2025 Conference Registration Form Join Us for PSWA's Roaring 20th Conference--July 17-20, 2025 Join Us for PSWA's Roaring 20th Conference! Last Name:* First Name:* Conference badge display name: your preferred name or nickname will appear in large font on your badge (see "Mike" above). Please advise what name to use. Ten letters or fewer, no joke names. * Street address 1:* Street address 2: City:* State: or Province:* Country:* Zip or Postal Code: Contact phone:* E-mail:*Our opening reception (with a guest), Saturday awards reception, and conference participant lunches are included in the conference fee. How many days do you plan to attend?*Full conference (Friday-Saturday-Sunday)Two daysOne day Conference Fee:*Full Conference (Early Bird price) : $300Full conference (after April 1, 2025) $375Friday Sessions only (includes lunch): $170Saturday Sessions olny (includes lunch): $170Sunday only: $130Friday + Saturday only: $300Saturday + Sunday only: $300* See the Cancellation Policy for cancellations after June 01, 2025. Food allergies or special dietary needs or restrictions: I am interested in being on one or more panels:*YesNo If you are interested in being on a panel, do you anticipate leaving early on Sunday?YesNo Please summarize or list your areas of expertise, so as to assign you to an appropriate panel. Suggestions for panel topics: I plan to bring or ship books to sell at the conference bookstore (follow Bookstore link on home page for details)*YesNo How many books do you intend to bring? Please submit a bio statement for the conference program. Bios should not be more than 150 words. If you have attended past conferences please send a new bio.* Please upload a headshot photo for the conference program. If you're not uploading a head shot, why? We'll have someone assist you if needed. Add-Ons to the ConferenceYou can bring extra guests or attend the Pre-Conference Workshop for an extra fee. Name(s) of guest(s) accompanying you to the lunches or reception: Guest lunches ($50 each):FridaySaturday Pre-Conference Writers Workshop. No lunch provided, and not included in conference fee:Workshop ($45) Total of selected items:SubmitResetClick the "Submit" button and complete payment through the PayPal website. You DO NOT need a PayPal account. You can just enter your credit card information to process payment.We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas.