Below are the requirements and costs to advertise in the PSWA conference program.
If you would like to advertise in the program please send your advertisement to [email protected] no later than May 20, 2023. You may make your payment via PayPal to PSWA. Any questions please email Kelli at [email protected].
You can submit your advertisement in the following formats: .doc, .pdf, or jpg. All ads will be in color.
- Inside back cover $250 Inside back cover: 8.5" X 11" (trim); 8.875" X 11.25" (bleed)
- Back cover $250 Back cover: 8.5" X 11" (trim); 8.875" X 11.25" (bleed)
- Full page $200 8.5" X 11" (trim); 8.875" X 11.25" (bleed)
- 1/2 page $100 7" X 4.625" (Horizontal); 3.5" X 9.25" (Vertical)
- 1/4 page $ 50 3.5" X 4.625" (Vertical)
There is not any limit for the number of the ads we receive except for the inside back cover and back cover spots. Advertising is open to any PSWA member whether attending the conference or not.